The Amadreas Company

A Powerful Package

As part of our services we offer maintenance of your website. 
This is offered in combination with our Power Package which includes 8 different plugins for your website which in combo with our monthly reports on your website, gives you a solid overview.

You decide the amount of hours and time that should be invested in caring for your website each month and can select what aspect of the site you would like that monthly maintenance-time to be spent on. 

For example - you receive your monthly overview with our recommendations and find that there is room for optimisation on your website performance and marketing. You know the situation in your business and know that this month you are going all-in on marketing and advertising. So you select that this month the allotted time should be invested in doing maintenance on the marketing side of the site. Or select that 50% of the time is spent on marketing and 50% on optimization. Your call. 

And what if you don't have time that month to spend on decide what the maintenance-time is spent on? No problem - if no specific area is selected, we simply do the regular and our recommendations based on and included in the Monthly Report

Our mission is to make it as easy for you as possible, so you can focus on what you do best.

Why Website Maintenance? 

The answer is simple.

Just like any machine, car etc -  a website needs regular attention to function optimally. In an area like the online world, the forward progress is so fast and intense that one does best to keep ones fingers on the pulse.
Regularly updating the website and its parts is crucial to make sure that your website operates at full capacity.

There are many reasons for and many benefits of website-maintenance; better ranking on search engines, website security, better loading speed, better user experience, having a backup, updating marketing of your site and adjusting to the results of your analytics to aim for ever increasing traffic to your products.

See the Power Package Plugins
TAC Website Maintenence
T.A.C - The Amadreas Co.
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